Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Program

This years summer program starts June 22nd!
It is going to be an exciting time with many event, all new curriculum and a extra surprise for the kids in the yard to enjoy!  The new curriculum is: Getting  Grip On The Basics For Kids By, Beth Jones.  It is a bible study specifically for kids; using their own bibles, looking up scripture addresses and learning to understand the Word.  Please be sure to bring your child's old & new testament bible every day.  Check in with your child continually talking and interacting with what they have learned.  We want to plant seeds of God's Word into the hearts of our children so they develop strong roots, growing to be successful and prosperous in all they do!

What you can do as a parent:
1. Pray for your child: There are prayers found in Ephesians 1:16-20 and Colassians 1:9-12 that you can pray daily.
2. Ask your child what they are learning and how God is speaking to their hearts as they study.  Interact with them and take the opportunity share.
3. Help them to 'do the Word' each day.
4. Take home their work sheets as they finish and go over it with them.

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